From ANDRAS JONES:  This is the beginning of the end of the beginning. The last episode (#42) of our first season of daily podcasts (345 and counting). My first time as the musical guest and our first show with a guest host in MATT BROUSSEAU of Profiles in Eccentricity. There’s a whole lot in the works for Radio8Ball in 2019. First of all, we are very close to releasing the Radio8Ball app we’ve been talking about all year. It hasn’t been easy but it’s close. Personally, I have this new (old) record called “All You Get” full of the material I performed on this show and I’m going to need to figure out what I’m going to do with it. Will it find a label? Do I sell it on the Radio8Ball site? Maybe I’ll just sit on it for another 18 years? While navigating these projects I’ll be recording the first 8 episodes (64 individual podcasts) of the new year in Boston and LA with guests like SYLVIA BLACK, PETE CASSANI, MARY LOU LORD, FUTURE TEENS, STEVE SMITH (Dirty Vegas & Squeeze), MYRA FLYNN and THE ESSEX GREEN. But before all that we have a Pop Oracle session to conduct with my songs, Marshall Thompson on keys, some illustrious guests who helped make the album possible, and this chopped up eccentric, Matt Brousseau, as host. Spoiler alert. We all survived. Barely.

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Song of the Day
Champion - Sarah Wheeler