Wayne Faler
Joe Bourdet

 From ANDRAS JONES: This week’s musical guest JOE BOURDET is part of continuing series of R8B guests (including Bloody Death Skull, Kira Lynn Cain & Miranda Zeiger) who have been recommended by friend of the show BART DAVENPORT. Now we are joined by WAYNE FALER, the guitarist in the band “Bart & The Bedazzled” […]

Alana Waksman
Hermina Jean

 From ANDRAS JONES: ALANA WAKSMAN is a filmmaker living in Missoula. She is the director of HERMINA JEAN‘s new music video (coming soon). Her latest project, WE BURN LIKE THIS, is currently in their fundraising and casting phase. From the film’s website: “Amidst rising anti-Semitism in Billings, Montana, Rae, a 22 year old Jewish […]

Jeff Turmes
Sarah Kramer

From ANDRAS JONES: JEFF TURMES is a heavy cat mutli-intrumentalist who’s played with Julie Christensen, Mavis Staples, Richard Thompson, R.L. Burnside, Clarence “Gatemouth” Brown, Peter Case, Koko Taylor, Tom Waits and our musical guest SARAH KRAMER. Jeff has a question about “love on other planets”. POP ORACLE Song of The Day (March 18, 2019): THE […]

Linus “Of Hollywood” Dotson
Willie Wisely

From ANDRAS JONES: LINUS DOTSON is LINUS of HOLLYWWOD, a longtime friend and collaborator of our musical guest WILLIE WISELY. I worked with them when Linus’s label, Oglio Records, was putting out the Andy Dick records that Willie and I were collaborating on at the time. POP ORACLE Song of The Day (March 12, 2019): […]

Ira Marlowe
Ira Marlowe

 From ANDRAS JONES: As we draw to the close of our Pop Oracle sessions with IRA MARLOWE and his friends (and dog, POTUS) I’m filled with gratitude for this man and his talent and generosity of spirit. I encourage those of you who have followed along to check out some of his records and, […]

Yves Beneche
Koda Corvette

From ANDRAS JONES: YVES BENECHE is a young director at the beginning of an exciting career in Hollywood. He joins our Pop Oracle session with KODA CORVETTE to discuss his work on shows like “Blackish” & “Grey’s Anatomy”, his own cinematic endeavors, and the then upcoming Democratic primaries. I always find it entertaining to look […]

Trevor Black
Kaiti Jones

 From ANDRAS JONES: TREVOR BLACK is one of our musical guest KAITI JONES‘s friends for The Boys and Girls Clubs of Boston. He’s also, as we will learn, a member of the congregation at The Reservoir, a hip sounding church that Kaiti seems to have thoroughly mined for guests for this show. Trevor’s question is […]

Miranda Lee Richards
Miranda Lee Richards

 From ANDRAS JONES: MIRANDA LEE RICHARDS is one of the latest greatest surprises for Radio8Ball. She came to us as a volunteer replacement for the hard to pin down AMY RAASCH and spent the evening blowing our minds with her songs, her voice, her spirit, and her soulful interplay with SAMMIE SMITH and Ms. […]

Andras Jones
Serene Dominic

 From ANDRAS JONES: Just about a week ago I was in Scottsdale, Arizona for the Mad Monster Party with my fellow Nightmare on Elm Street castmates and fans of the series, all enjoying a weekend of laughter, song, and Kruegerphilia in the dessert heat. While there I took the opportunity to set up a […]

Travis Clark
Gabriel Gordon

 From ANDRAS JONES: Our Pop Oracle sessions with GABRIEL GORDON have been filled with laughter and now it’s time to get serious about the yucks with a comedy professional, our engineer, and the co-host of The Heart Shaped Pod “A podcast for anyone who has ever heard of Nirvana, as well as those who […]

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Song of the Day
Candyman - Mudcat