August 8, 2017
May 5, 2012
January 24, 2010
July 12, 2007
Musical Guest

Dino Stamatopoulos

Dino started out on Radio8Ball as the guy I asked to back up Andy Dick’s appearances (in case Andy pulled an Andy). To his credit, Dino got that I got that he got the joke of it. His back-up appearances were consistently funny, whereas Andy’s were consistently inconsistent (though quite often genius-esque).

It’s hard for me to talk about Dino because, were it not for him, there’s a good chance you wouldn’t be reading this right now. He invited Radio8Ball into the Feral family when nobody but a few sync fanatics were paying any attention.

If you don’t know who Dino is, that’s part of what everyone who does know who he is digs about him. He’s like the Jon Brion of comedy. He’s the guy behind the curtain on too many of the funniest projects of the last twenty years to mention but you don’t have to do too much research to begin to grasp his scope.

I didn’t choose Dino as the hero of Radio8Ball’s first chapter but clearly The Pop Oracle did, and that’s why he’s the first Musical Guest of the Feral Era of Radio8Ball.

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Song of the Day
Let The Night - Steve Smith