Andras Jones
“A Serious Sincere Question”
10 of Wands (Oppression)

47-10 of Wands


Andras Jones brings the full force of the 10 of Wands to bear
in addressing an oppressive situation from Radio8Ball’s history

On February 14, 2006 Boston’s Jim’s Big Ego were the musical guest on Radio8Ball on KAOS 89.3 FM

This led to a collaboration between Andras Jones and Jim’s Big Ego
on a production called “The Ego & The Oracle”
featuring the Radio8Ball format of musical divination
with the music of Jim’s Big Ego.

The Ego & The Oracle
After successful productions in Cambridge, MA and Seattle, WA
Jim’s Big Ego decided to claim the entire production as their own
refusing to accurately credit Andras Jones or Radio8Ball,
a choice that inspired “A Serious Sincere Question”

To this day, Jim’s Big Ego continue to present The Ego & The Oracle
while refusing to honor their collaboration with Andras Jones.

Shame on them.

Please share your questions and interpretations below.


  1. How petty of them! This was really beautiful.

  2. I can dig it! On repeat 🙂

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