Nicole Atkins
Tracy Bonham

From ANDRAS JONES: NICOLE ATKINS sings TRACY BONHAM’S “Tell It To The Sky” on the new Modern Burdens project. For this session Nicole joins us to ask a question that may be as meaningful to you wherever and whenever you are hearing it, as it was to Nicole when she asked it. (Check out the video below and you’ll see how a night out can be a daunting prospect for Nicole). And her answer? Well, it’s Tracy’s big hit, continuing the theme of mothers and babies and birth. If you follow along you’ll see that the discussion here folds nicely into our next session with Jonny Cragg. For the artists, it’s natural to feel embarrassed or ashamed to tell the ugly truths about ourselves to our most intimate people (mothers, lovers & therapists) while shouting them to the heavens and the faceless multitudes. Maturity is understanding this, forgiving ourselves, and either doing something different or fully accepting the way things are.
I’m just calling to say hello
How’s the weather? How’s my father?
Am I lonely? Heavens no
Mother mother are ya listening?
Just a phone call to ease your mind
Life is perfect never better
Distance making the heart grow fond
Were you scared that I might get hurt?
Would I try a little tobacco
Would I keep on hiking up my skirt?
I’m dirty
I’m losing my mind
Everything’s fine!
I’m Starving
I’m bleeding to death
Everything’s fine!
I’m just starting to build a name
I can feel it around the corner
I could make it any day
Mother mother can you hear me
Sure I’m sober sure I’m sane
Life is perfect never better
Still your daughter still the same
Will it help you to sleep well at night?
Are you sure that I’m your perfect dear
Now just cuddle up and sleep tight
I’m dirty
I’m losing my mind
Everything’s fine!
I’m starving
I’m bleeding to death
Everything’s fine!