Turhan “Troy” Caylak
From ANDRAS JONES: Today’s Pop Oracle session with the band MEERNAA is an exercise in collaboration and synergy. Meet TURHAN CAYLAK or, as he is known on stage and screen, “Troy”. This multi-named and multi-talented actor/writer/producer came to our attention through the MonkeyGoose Magazine online. They have been hosting our player on their page and featuring our guests for the last month. Like us, they are still building their audience so working together is mutually beneficial. I certainly appreciate the attention they’ve been giving our guests but I was worried their readers might not get the connection between the artists they were featuring and the “Pop Oracle” player on their page so I asked their editor if she’d like to to send someone to one of our recording sessions to maybe do a piece on the show, and that’s how Turhan/Troy ended up in The Hammond Studio at The Complex Theater on Santa Monica Boulevard with his camera. I don’t think he expected to ask a question but he gamely accepted the invitation to participate. Everyone has to interpret these things for themselves but his question about the next decade followed by a song about Redwoods suggests we could all use some perspective both how immediate and precious is every little thing, and how great the scope of time is that brought us even to this moment, let alone the next ten years. If you’d like to read the piece Turhan wrote about his experience you can find it HERE.