Andras Jones

From ANDRAS JONES: Radio8Ball welcomes two thirds of the band KISSPANIC to the realm of The Pop Oracle for a series of musical divinations with a seemingly haphazard group of guests. This is our first R8B episode featuring a (mostly) Spanish language band. Their songwriter, RUDI MEIBERGEN is from Chile where he had a successful band called Weiza. We will be including the lyrics in Spanish and English throughout the Radio8Blog posts this week.
POP ORACLE Song of The Day (June 26, 2019): JENNY JENKINS “Sometimes I Sleep With Evil”
Todo lo que yo soy te lo debo a ti
Me ocultaste lo cruel de aquel porvenir
No vi al mal acechar, gracias a tu aura que irradia paz.
Tu poder, tu vigor, tu lealtad incondicional
Nunca has sido perfecta, pero quien lo es,
no cabe duda alguna tu alma es de bien.
Tu eres yo, yo soy tú y el orgullo la definición.
Soy feliz y es por ti que ahora sé sobrevivir.
Te debo las estrellas y el color,
el viaje del amor, la libertad y los besos.
Te debo haber llegado a madurez
al tiempo en el que fue, fue el momento perfecto.
Y es por ti que puedo respirar,
saberme levantar, nadar entre misterios
Y es por ti que no hay adversidad,
que no pueda forjar en otro gran imperio
Y es por ti que he logrado entender
quien soy y quien seré te doy gracias por eso
Everything I am I owe it to you
You hid from me the cruelty of that future
I did not see evil stalking, thanks to your aura that radiates peace.
Your power, your vigor, your unconditional loyalty
You have never been perfect, but who is it,
There is no doubt your soul is good.
You are me, I am you, and pride is the definition.
I am happy, and it is because of you that I now know how to survive.
I owe you the stars and the color,
the journey of love, freedom and kisses.
I must have reached maturity
At the time it was, it was the perfect moment.
And it’s because of you that I can breathe,
know how to get up, swim between mysteries
And it is because of you that there is no adversity,
that I can not forge in another great empire
And it’s because of you that I’ve managed to understand
who I am and who I will be, I thank you for that