Azalia Snail
Sarah Kramer

From ANDRAS JONES: AZALIA SNAIL returns to the realm of The Pop Oracle with her friend SARAH KRAMER. I’d write more about this session but I just flew into NYC to record our episode with ANYA MARINA and I’m jet-lagged and foggy headed and coffee just isn’t doing the trick. This is the nature of putting out a daily podcast. No sick or salf-care days. I’m sure there is synchronicity in this and maybe after I nap I’ll figure out what it is. In the mean time, check out Azalia’s last appearance with CHRIS PRICE on January 12, 2018, almost exactly a year before this.
POP ORACLE Song of The Day (March 15, 2019): DAN BERN “New Orleans”
Way Back Home
©️Sarah Kramer
I dreamed I saw a light
In the road shining bright
Showing me the way back home
Home, when the Lilac’s blooming
Home, when the raspberrie’s growing
* Home, when the fireflies are in flight *
Home, in the summertime
With the fan in the window on
And crickets making their sounds in the night
Slowly the garden stops calling
And the leaves from the trees start falling And the air is crisp and cool on skin
It’s time to carve faces
(And) put candles in their places
* Looking out through the glass at the blowing wind *
Soon the snow will cover
Like blankets of silence that hover
And icicles will be hanging from the roof
As the smoke rises up the chimney
And the music from the records comes to me I’m home, I don’t need any proof
I’m not ready to pack away my sweater
But surely the springtime’s better
‘Cuz everything is growing and it’s new
I dreamed I saw a light
In the road shining bright
Showing me the way back home
The way back home