Andras Jones
Tiphanie Doucet

From ANDRAS JONES: Radio8Ball just got a little bit more international with the inclusion of this week’s musical guest TIPHANIE DOUCET. Tiphanie is from France and currently lives in New York City. She actually flew into LA to do this show. She didn’t know it but there was a bit of a pall hanging over this taping. The night before things got a little ugly. Not on the show but in the studio lounge where certain individuals helped themselves to the contents of the bar and left the room a mess. Not their fault entirely. They thought it was a green room instead of an executive lounge but feelings were hurt, boundaries were crossed and one of our production team stopped working on the show after this taping. Surprisingly, this led to one of our better feeling shows, in part because I felt obligated to keep the vibes as positive as possible. So did the production member who was on their way out so, even he, who had been pretty edgy and agro for the last couple of months screwed a smile on his face and did a great job. I’m only telling you this because, although we may have felt we were doing a good job of skating on top of our trauma, I know the microphones have a way of revealing more than we realize so if you get a funny feeling while listening, that’s what’s up. I can report that as of this writing all that context has faded into the rearview and things are going much better. Breakdowns like these are a drag but they provide an opportunity to correct areas where we lack integrity and that’s a great thing.
POP ORACLE Song of The Day (January 17, 2019): CARS CAN BE BLUE “Do You Remember?”