Sarah Skinner
Andras Jones

From ANDRAS JONES: SARAH SKINNER is on fire. Perpetually. She’s the photographer who took the pictures which adorn the “All You Get” album that Ford Pier arranged, Marshall Thompson restored, Sheldon Gomberg mixed, Greg Allen designed, and Peter Jesperson oversaw the pressing of into vinyl. Sarah’s more interested in peppering me with relationship questions than talking about photography, or even waiting for my answers. This quality, which can be frustrating in person, makes her a very engaging guest. She kind of reminds me of video I’ve seen of Ruth Gordon appearing on old episodes of the Dick Cavett show. A cute little powerhouse whose moxie mitigates what, in others, might read as merely being cantankerous. After the call the guys in the studio were convinced that it was all some kind of negging come on from Sarah in my direction but they don’t know her like I do. That’s just how she is. With everyone. And I kinda love being around it.
You Moved To Chicago
You’re chocolate cake
and she’s just the crumbs
You are a dozen long stemmed roses and she’s
three wilted mums
You’re champagne on ice
and she’s just warm flat beer
but you moved to Chicago
and she’s still here
Yeah you moved to Chicago
and she’s…
She’s still here
You’re just plain great
and she’s just plain
You got a
brilliant mind
She’s just got a
mushy old brain
In view
of her front
I believe I prefer your rear
you moved to Chicago
and she’s still here
Yeah you moved to Chicago
and she’s…
She’s still here.
She’s still…
She’s still…
She’s still…
She’s still here
Well if you’d move
back to Boston
you’d have nothin’ to fear
you would have nothin’ to fear but
you moved to Chicago
and she’s still here
Yeah, you moved to Chicago
and she’s still here
Yeah you moved to Chicago
and she’s…
She’s still here