Kira Lynn Cain
Kira Lynn Cain

From ANDRAS JONES: We began our Pop Oracle sessions with KIRA LYNN CAIN at the outset of our mad dash toward the end of SEASON ONE of Radio8Ball for Starburns Audio. We comes to its close the day after we taped our last episode with me and Marshall Thompson as the musical guests. As you’ll hear in the coming weeks, we’ve moved a lot of energy in the interim. I feel years older than when we recorded this and I really appreciate the thoughtful, sober intellectual quality of this session with Kira and her friends. Like going back to school. I’m looking forward to seeing how she evolves in all her artistic endeavors and having her back to ask a question on a future episode.
Once upon a time I was your enemy
Frightened of my name upon your lips
Shaking at the night
I had no language
I was creeping in your window
Ominous and hollow
My dress fell to the floor
And there I stood useless and bare
Tender flowers of revolt in my hair
What is love? What is love?
The ladder I was standing on fell
Shattering the ground which opened up
Shattering the ground
I had no kingdom
The hole in the ground got bigger
The dirt became the river
The scream became the whisper
And all things were alone in space
All hands reaching for a tether to your face
What is love? What is love?