Andras Jones
Kira Lynn Cain

From ANDRAS JONES: KIRA LYNN CAIN is a songwriter and an illustrator (check out her work in her episode’s cover). She’s our musical guest for a synchronistic cinematic Pop Oracle session kicking off two weeks of recordings which will be followed by a brief (approximately 6 week) hiatus from releasing episode while we take care of some business and get prepped for an even better second year of podcasts for Starburns Audio. In preparation for our time together Kira and I attended a recent Jon Brion show at Largo with her friend and cinema scholar MICHELLE DEVERAUX. We talk about this and other areas of creative agreement in this reading as we embark on a very soulful session with The Pop Oracle.
I hear a new melody
crystal clear as glass
when you when you…
(la la la…)
call me baby/
Oh the colors
through the door of love…
will you will you
(la la la la)
whisper to me call me baby