Serene Dominic
Serene Dominic

From ANDRAS JONES: As we come to the close of our Pop Oracle session with SERENE DOMINIC (and ANDREW JEMSEK) it’s time for the man to stare into the mirror of his own music with a question about an “old love affair” or is it a love “afour”? A brief web search reveals “Afour” to be a company that makes “hand crafted shoes” which, I assume, are better than shoes crafted by feet or, as it happens, by heart (regardless of its size). All I can say is that it was great to re-kindle the artistic love affair in which Dominic and I have been engaged since that fateful evening at Nightingales in New York City for CMJ ’92 when our bands played together and no one showed up to see it.
Me and My Big Heart
Written by Serene Dominic
Me and my big heart
Love more than we let on
And every time you’re gone
We’re overcompensating
Me and my big heart
We talk amongst ourselves
How there’s nobody else
That’s worth the pain of waiting
If I had you in picture frame
I would hold you up to my rib cage
So my big heart could get a look
O my heart is full with so much love
And I wondering if you’re woman enough for me and my big heart
Your libertine is a swine as we both know
You only have to go
As far as the next girl
When Me and my big heart
Double team you, you’ll feel loved
Are you woman enough
For Me and my big heart
Hurry hurry up and get undressed
Wanna hold you up to my big chest
So my big heart could get a look
O my heart is full with so much love
And I wondering if you’re woman enough for me and my big heart