James Pope
Serene Dominic

From ANDRAS JONES: One of the keys to doing a Radio8Ball show is allowing space for random things to happen. It’s difficult to approach booking guests this way. It’s natural to think, “What if we don’t have someone to ask a question?” but I can assure you, someone usually emerges at just the right time, and if they don’t someone else will. In the case of this Pop Oracle session with SERENE DOMINIC that random person was JAMES POPE, a hip-hop producer we’d booted from the studio because of bass bleed. James seemed happy enough to take a break in the Arizona twilight and when I asked if he’d like to join our podcast he jumped in with an easy gusto. Here’s a video for Mad Dog Coll, the artist James was working with in the studio when we arrived.
Unfriend Me
Written by Serene Dominic
Once before you could love someone and not need to be sure
Because, you were young and green and even if she was the one
There was always someone new for you
Those days are gone
I need certainty that you won’t unfriend me
Unfriend Me! if you believe that heaven’s no better above
Unfriend Me! if you can’t see us happy together in love
Unfriend Me! Unfriend Me!
How I rage when your friends chime in on your new status change
Remarks go from happy face emoticons to shock and awe
That you let something so wrong go on so long
So stop.
Topic trending now is how you’ll unfriend me
Unfriend Me! if you believe that heaven’s no better above
Unfriend Me! if you can’t see us happy together in love
Unfriend Me! Unfriend Me!