Dean Robitaille
Serene Dominic

From ANDRAS JONES: I call it the Richard Dreyfuss phenomenon in reference to his character in “Close Encounters Of The Third Kind”. In that film the government has all these space warriors and scientists ready to take off with the aliens but the only one who gets to go is Roy Neary, an average guy who is somehow drawn into this whole adventure because he’s in the right (or wrong) place at just the right (or wrong) time. Such is the case with DEAN ROBITAILLE, one of the volunteers at The Mad Monster Party, who agreed to drive me from Scottsdale to Phoenix, wait around for 4 hours while we recorded this, drive me back to Scottsdale, and then drive another hour or more in the wee hours to get home. The least I could do was give him a swing at The Pop Oracle with SERENE DOMINIC and I’m glad I did. He has a powerful question that I think a lot of us will relate to.
The Death of Me
written by Serene Dominic
You’re such a young and pretty thing
I want to hold you in my hand like a figurine
I want to kiss you but I don’t know where you’ve been before last week
I want the teacher to seat you next to me
I want to dangle you upon my aging knee
I want the whole world to see us dancing jowl to cheek
It’s not such a long way from your cradle to my grave
And you were born to be the death of me
I wanna whisk you away to Disneyland
Get you a set of mousy ears and a wedding man
Ask Mr. Jiminy Cricket for your hand, do the proper thing
And if the Almighty and the Magic Kingdom will allow it
The sweet taste of freedom won’t sour on your palette
I can’t wait till your retainer comes off you in spring
It’s not such a long way from your cradle to my grave
And you were born to be the death of me
Let your silky hair fall around my chin
Let the air blow out and in my lungs
My breathless lungs…
We’re all slaves to the rhythm ever got me
Kiss me on the forehead and step over my body
Return to your sleeping beauty world of dreams
It’s not such a long way from your cradle to my grave
And you were born to be the death of me
It’s not such a long way from your cradle to my grave
And you were born to be the death of me
copyright 1991
from Box City 1991-1994: The Complete Bastard,
released March 1, 1994