Ronee Blakley
Serene Dominic

From ANDRAS JONES: Being a “celebrity” guest at The Mad Monster Party the weekend I recorded this show with SERENE DOMINIC, I was hoping I could entice some of my fellow celebs to join us in the realm of The Pop Oracle. Many said they would but only one of them made it to the show and, as those of you who follow Radio8Ball know, that means she was the only one who was supposed to be there. RONEE BLAKLEY starred in Robert Altman’s “Nashville”, toured with Bob Dylan, and was married to Wim Wenders. She tells a great little story about being on the road with Dylan’s Rolling Thunder Revue and singing on one of his greatest songs, “Hurricane”, before asking her question to the Pop Oracle. The answer is a paranoid little ditty performed with passion and humor by its author and his friend with the squeezebox.
My Secret Life
Written by Serene Dominic
Neighbors want to know
“Where is that girl? Where did she go?”
Black clouds on my street
“It’s all his fault! Why did she leave?”
Why you gotta spy?
Let me live my secret life!
Why you tryin’ to spy?
Let me live my secret life!
I was unaware
They counted on the love we shared
Their golden girl’s gone!
What hope is there if I’ve moved on?
Why you gotta spy?
Let me live my secret life!
Why you tryin’ to spy?
Let me live my secret life!
Draw the curtains and I pull the blinds
Who needs sun when I’ve got peace of mind
All my yesterdays I’ve left behind
I’ve gotta gotta gotta gotta
…make my way back home
Back to the house where I was born
Away from all this grief
I say I’m fine
They don’t believe
Why you gotta spy?
Let me live my secret life!
Why you tryin’ to spy?
Let me live my secret life!
copyright 2011