Russ Kazmierczak
Serene Dominic

From ANDRAS JONES: As we dig into the synchronicity with SERENE DOMINIC we are joined by his friend RUSS KAZMIERCZAK. Russ, like Dominic, is a local Phoenix celebrity. He’s the creator of the AMAZING ARIZONA COMICS series and the host of the PHOENIX TONIGHT live variety show. Not only that, but he’s also pretty good at interpreting musical synchronicity.
Drop of a Hat
written by Serene Dominic 2010
And all at once she’s dead
Hasn’t heard a word I’ve said
But then she returns again
At the drop of a hat
Can’t tell you where or when
All the blackouts occur again
The light behind her eyes suddenly dims
Who’s knows where she goes
In her beautiful trance?
She forgets she’s with me
At the drop of a hat
I followed her sports car
But I didn’t get too far
I lost her in the fog away she sped
Her alibi that day
Was sitting by the bay
300 miles her odometer read
Who’s knows where she goes
In her beautiful trance
She forgets herself who she is
At the drop of a hat
There is no living when there’s only yesterday
A cold hand from the past is dragging her away
Who’s knows where she goes In her beautiful trance?
Then she’s back here with me
At the drop of a hat
from Swimming in the Head:
Deluxe Edition,
released November 23, 2015