Ed Haynes

From ANDRAS JONES: ED HAYNES is a songwriter from Portland. Lest ye think he’s one of those intrepid hipsters who moved there to “stay weird” Ed is actually weird and local. While his city transformed around him, elevating one bearded carpetbagger after another, Ed has continued to write and sing songs that are specific and strange and funny and personal. This, of course, guarantees a kind of obscurity reserved for those who care more about songcraft than fashion trends and club politics. Fact is, I don’t know if any of this is true but it’s what I think of when I think of Ed and his music. I apologize if I’m projecting an erroneous artistic purity on poor Ed’s shoulders. He and I have been discussing doing another R8B together in the future so we can talk about it on the show and he can set me right or corroborate my assessment. In the mean time, please enjoy this session from the Radio8Vault when Ed was our guest on KAOS in Olympia including a question from one of our favorite callers; Aria. (If anyone knows who she is please share this with her). We loved getting calls from this wise young woman as she grew up listening to us and I’ve thought about her many times since KAOS tried to destroy Radio8Ball with slanderous lies about me and about our format. I wonder what young Aria thought when the show she’d called into for years just disappeared from the airwaves without any goodbye or forwarding information. For a brief shining moment in January of 2006 Ed’s honest weirdness, Aria’s adorable perspicacity, and my devotion to synchronicity and music came together as a free expression of wholesome northwestern weirdness.
Today’s theme song is from Bart Davenport.