Feisty Heart
Feisty Heart

From ANDRAS JONES: “We’ve had some of my favorite artists on the show over the years, and several lined up for future episodes. As much as I enjoy enticing the songwriters I have known and loved to guest on Radio8Ball I have to say, my best experiences are with artists I was entirely unfamiliar with before uncorking The Pop Oracle together. This has certainly been the case with Feisty Heart who I only got to know thanks to the advice of previous R8B guest Cooper Walker. I am full-blown in love with them right now. I love their songs and the subtle arrangements played, quite miraculously, by just the two of them. It’s like a magic act where the big reveal is a deep musical and artistic truth. Songwriter Ruthie Garibay delivers the soulful truths while multi-instrumentalist Stuart Johnson performs the miraculous feats, simultaneously playing masterful bass guitar AND drums & chiming in with just the right harmonies. They took to the idea of curating their Radio8Ball episode with the “Yes and…” gusto of skilled improvisers. At first, reasonably dubious of my request that they invite their famous friends to be a part of my show, once they got into it they managed to entice both John Doe (an artist I’ve known and loved for years) and Blake Mills (a cat I should have known before this but didn’t) to participate. I hope it comes through these recordings because, as with all the best performers, there is a “greater than the sum of its part-ness” to Feisty Heart which comes from their individual and shared charisma. It just feels good to be around them, even (and especially) when engaging the difficult topics we raise on our show. No way to know what the future holds for any of us but in this moment, right now, (which is the only time the heart knows) Feisty Heart are my favorite band
Can’t chase love
It’ll never let you catch it
Will lead you down
a spiral tunnel
with the lessons you wouldn’t follow
If you want it really bad
you will only grasp the air
Missing signs everywhere
Cut lines and didn’t care
You can swim and follow
Chase that love and drowned your sorrow
just holding on to everything
all your money and all your pain
But love, love, love, love
love, love, love, love
love, love, love
is waiting for you
if only you can give yourself up too
You can wake up every day
claim you’re not the same
share your mantras and say your prayers
meditate away your cares
Love across a river
ask me to be a giver
as me to blindly see
what a lovin’ life can really mean
You can swim and follow
chase that love and drowned your sorrow
just holding on the everything
all your money and all your pain
But love, love, love, love
love, love, love, love
love, love, love
is waiting for you
if only you can give yourself up too
You can swim and follow
chase that love and drowned your sorrow
just holding on the everything
all your money and all your pain
But love, love, love, love
love, love, love, love
love, love, love
is waiting for you
if only you can give yourself up too
Love is waiting for you