Diandra Lazor
John Easdale

From ANDRAS JONES: It may sound like a cliche but the thing that makes the phenomenon of Nightmare on Elm Street so remarkable isn’t the talent of the actors or the genius of Wes Craven but the devotion of so many millions of fans who keep it relevant all these years later. Diandra is one of the more devoted fans I’ve come across. It feels like she’s been at almost every con I’ve attended, often in elaborate cosplay gear as Nancy, and now she’s deep in the Fredheads Documentary project and hosting the Elm Street Radio podcast. It’s really quite incredible.
There’s an angel in my kitchenette
Smokes my brand of cigarettes
So we’re compatible
And she can’t live without her radio
She likes to sleep with it turned on
She says that she never sleeps alone
There’s a halo in the window
And it makes her look like God,
OR virgin Mary,
Or a painless, stained glass saint
She’s growing flowers on our patio
She calls me Moe, and I call her Daddy-O
You know, you know, you know
Oh, and it’s incredible
Beat still my heart, I’m feeling stranded at the start
Our electric bill’s our great expense
12 dollars, 37 cents
So it’s affordable
And we can’t live without our radio
We like to sleep with it turned on, you know
So now we never sleep alone
Oh, and it’s incredible
Beat still my heart, I’m feeling stranded at the start
Oh, and it’s simply wonderful
Beat still my heart, I’m feeling stranded at the start
Oh, and it’s remarkable
It’s beautiful it’s wonderful
incredible incredible incredible incredible incredible incredible incredible incredible