Nomy Lamm & The Need
“The Powerstation”
4 of Disks (Power)

71-4 of Disks

The Transfused is Olympia’s great transgendered punk rock opera.
Created by Nomy Lamm & The Need, with Emily Stern
in the millennial-mad summer of 2000 in which Time magazine dubbedd Olympia
“the hippest town in the west”.

This visionary almosterpiece
was presented at Olympia’s historic Capitol Theater for two weeks
that those who experienced it will never forget.

Andras Jones created the role of Ze, a recruit in the army that oversees the heroic “Transfused” for “The Corporation” in the dystopian future imagined by this production.

Synchronistically, Emily Stern took her nickname “Spider” from the character Linnea Quigley played in Andras Jones’ first leading role in film as Calvin in “Sorority Babes In The Slimeball Bowl-A-Rama“.

For more on the archetype of the spider in Andras Jones’ work, check out Sync-Filmmaker Will Morgan’s 3-part series at Andras Jones’ IMDB video page.

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The Oly Music Awards
with Sandman:The Rappin’ Cowboy
& Dino Stamatopoulos
in Olympia, Washington

Four years after KAOS 89.3 FM removed Radio8Ball from Olympia’s airwaves, KAOS fundraising coordinator, John Ford (who has claimed the reason for our removal from our Tuesday 6 to 8pm slot was that we were “unpopular” and “not very good”), found himself synchronistically forced to give Radio8Ball an award, at The Capitol Theater, for being both popular (our award category “Experimental Music” was voted on by fans) and good (well, that’s just obvious).

After the awards, we put on an abbreviated Pop Oracle at The Capitol Theater with Sandman: The Rappin’ Cowboy and Dino Stamatopoulos (via Skype). Dino had just been killed. As “Star Burns” in the show “Community”. He’s the guy Dan Harmon hired as a “consultant” and, based upon Dino’s previous credits (Moral Oral, Mr. Show and many other impossibly great shows) and the show “Community” became, it looks to all hip comedy geeks as if Dino was hired to keep it dangerous i.e. not awful, and he pretty much succeeded.

This R8B show took place on the eve of Dan Harmon’s being fired from “Community” making him the meta messiah of that particular moment. Removing Harmon  as head of a show that made very little sense with him and absolutely NO sense without him, made little sense and Harmon was eventually brought back. Dino knows none of this when he asks about it here.

Sandman, of course, is Radio8Ball’s favorite songwriter. He’s been on the show more than anyone.

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