


With the publication of his book, “Accidental Initiations: In The Kabbalistic Tree of Olympia” Andras Jones joined the ranks of Sync Book Press. After contributing regularly to several of their Sync Book podcasts (42 Minutes & Always Record) Jones and Sync Book publisher, Alan Abbadessa-Green, joined forces to create SYNCHRONIZE.

Each episode features one Pop Oracle divination and a whole lot of context. This is deep sync. For those who are not frightened by esoteric language and expansive thinking.


“A Spider In His Hand”
Synchronize (Episode Seven)

September 15th, 2014

(Click on THIS LINK to listen)

In this issue:
Alan Abbadessa-Green delivers an open letter to Henrik Palmgren and Red Ice Creations.

Alan has a conversation with Rabbi Borukh Goldberg, author of Spilled Blood, A False God, & Real Estate, a conversation that picks up from their July 13th 42Minutes

Clips from the film “Gentleman’s Agreement” and Jim Morrison lead into Andras Jones’ audio essay where he explains “We’re all a bunch of Jews” . . . Click here to listen to The Middle Chamber Episode 16

Ezra Sandzer-Bell of audiomancy.netjoins Alan and Andras for a Radio8Ball consultation of the Pop Oracle, via the music of The White Stripes.

A clip from Simon Critchley on 42Minutes episode 149

Audio from Prince Ea’s video “What No One Wants To Say About Ferguson” . . . Visit Facebook.com/PrinceEa

Plus the new single from Andy Shmushkin

“Oly Sync Summit Primer”
Synchronize (Episode Six)

May 4th, 2014

(Click on THIS LINK to listen)

In this issue:
Joe Alexander & Ezra Sandzer-Bell play Radio8Ball with the music of Marty Leeds
and discuss The Oly Sync Summit
PLEASE support our Indie Go Go campaign before May 24th. Thanks.

“Fear and Loving at the Bay Area Sync Summit”
Synchronize (Episode Five)

November 24th, 2013

(Click on THIS LINK to listen)

In this issue:

Andras Jones and Alan Abbadessa-Green follow-up on the Bay Area Sync Summit
Douglas Bolles of 42 Minutes: No Heads and Tarot Tales
Radio8Ball with Jeremy/ViolatoR of TheStygianPort.blogspot.com
Ezra Sandzer-Bell of ZebraTale.net gives a ToneColorAlchemy breakdown of Lou Reed’s “Paranoia Key of E”

Click here for the full sync week audio

“Tom Waits For No Man”
Synchronize: Episode Four

October 11th, 2013

(Click on THIS LINK to listen)

In this issue:

Tom Waits takes us to the Bridge by Alan Abbadessa-Green and Andras Jones Radio8Ball
with musical guest Ira Marlowe,
a Radio8Ball question from David Plate of Always Record

MonkeyHouseTheater.com . . .
David’s artwork at MKUltrasound723.com
Click here for the full sync week audio Douglas Bolles of 42 Minutes on Victoria Nelson’s Gothika
Purchase Victoria Nelson’s Gothika from Amazon.com

“Short, Sharp, Shakti”
Synchronize: Episode Three

July 23rd, 2013

(Click on THIS LINK to listen)

In this issue:

Michael Schacht of Gosporn.blogspot.com is interviewed by Alan Abbadessa-Green
and plays Radio8Ball with Andras Jones
“znore” of GroupNameForGrapejuice.blogspot.com on Funeral Parade of Roses
317 Shakti by Alan Abbadessa-Green

“There Once Was A Note”
Synchronize: Episode Two

May 22nd, 2013

(Click on THIS LINK to listen)

In this issue:

Music of the Spheres by Alan Abbadessa-Green Steve Willner and Ezra Sandzer-Bell interview
Steve and Ezra play Radio8Ball with Andras Jones
Will Morgan of 42 Minutes on Prometheus
David Plate of Always Record on Lifehouse Matrix
Watch “Lifehouse Matrix” on YouTube

“Music, Myth, Cosmos” on IndieGogo . . .
Labyrinth of the Psychonaut videos . . .
Tone Color Alchemy
Radio8Ball’s IndieGogo page . . .
“Get Normal” on Bandcamp

“Another Dawn”
Synchronize: Episode One

May 5th, 2013

(Click on THIS LINK to listen)

In this issue:

Synchronistic Star Wars by Alan Abbadessa-Green
Rae Dawn Chong interviewed by Alan Abbadessa-Green
Rae Dawn Chong plays Radio8Ball with Andras Jones
Ezra Sandzer-Bell of ToneColorAlchemy.com decodes Mick Jagger’s “Just Another Night”

“The Celebrant” on IndieGogo . . .
Jake Kotze’s “Pheonix Dawn” video . . .
Rae Dawn on Radio8Ball from February 2010 . . .
“The Celebrant” teaser
Rae Dawn in the music video . . .
Wheel of Fortune in promo art

“Opening Day”
Synchronize: Episode Zero

April 21st, 2013

(Click on THIS LINK to listen)

In this issue:

Jackie Robinson Day Ka-Baseball-ah by Andras Jones
Alan Abbadessa-Green interviews Alex Robinson from TooLongInThisPlace.wordpress.com
Alex Robinson plays Radio8Ball
Jason Barrera on recent events as they sync to his work at TheMaskOfGod.blogspot.com
Jake Kotze (@seallion) reviews the movie “42”

Jake Kotze’s new film: “Syncjack
April 19th” by Andras Jones on Bandcamp.com