

  1. My question was quite simple, and very personal. I am a singer and a song writer, guitar is my instrument of choice. I asked whether or not I am on the right path to success. I got the song “pajamas” by Andras Jones. It’s a beautiful piece of work… It’s quite a reassuring result for me. In particular, the lyrics speak volumes. I currently make my living as a busking musician, or street performer in other words. I sing lots of Beatles songs, as they are my original musical inspiration… The line about dressing me up in songs I never knew hit me so hard upon first listen. In the middle of the song is the answer to my question, I’m gonna make your dreams come true. It goes further in its seeming ability to read my psyche and give me comfort though, it seems a wonderfully romantic lyric is buried in the first verse, as somebody who sings Beatles songs about love all day, the perpetuity of my singlehood for the past several years has a way of getting me down at times. This opening lyric has a sense of adventure and romance that can ease even the MOST hopeless of romantics lol!! To be honest, I am very picky about what music I will give credit to, and I set a high bar for what I consider praiseworthy. It would take a really brilliant piece of work for me to take seriously, and this song is a gem!

    • Thanks Brian. This was a very important song for me because it was the first one I wrote after I stopped pursuing my muse. I gave up songwriting and then this came to me in the middle of the night and forced me to sit up and write it. When it’s your calling nothing can stop you, even yourself. It’s interesting that you play lots of Beatles because I always felt like there was a little bit of John sprinkled into this one.

      Thanks for playing.

  2. Hope you are as snug as a bug in a rug. I am sneezy!

  3. I asked: “what is a happy couple?”

    Answer Resonates.

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