Ethnically Ambiguous
(Part 1):
Anna Hossnieh
Andras Jones &
The music of Josh Clayton-Felt

From ANDRAS JONES: ANNA HOSSNIEH & SHEREEN LANI YOUNES of the ETHNICALLY AMBIGUOUS podcast were guests on one of our very first recordings at Starburns. That’s when they were just starting out too. Their podcast has, of course, rocketed to stardom and this is their triumphant return to the realm of The Pop Oracle. I’d […]


 You thought we were done didn’t you? I suspected something similar but it appears we still have some episodes left in our system. This one, recorded on 10/10/22 is with ALAN ABBADESSA talking about his latest project; a video game called LITTLE GHOST and the Kickstarter he’s running on its behalf in October of […]

Diana Prince
Bart Davenport

From ANDRAS JONES: “Kinky Horror” star DIANA PRINCE was on one of our first R8B podcasts with Colleen Green back in August of 2017. Since then she has joined forces with Joe Bob Briggs to produce and star in his new series “The Last Drive-In” for Shudder. For our Kink tribute show Diana has a […]

David Rovics
David Rovics

 From ANDRAS JONES: It’s been one crazy week with David Rovics on Radio8Ball with our guests Jim Page, Elana Freeland, Dan Epstein, Rick Fellows, Skyler Hawley Blake and the FB Posts of Danny Kelly. If you go down the rabbit hole with this one you’ll learn about David and about me and about Olympia. […]

Marvin Etzioni
Marvin Etzioni

From ANDRAS JONES: And so we come to the close of our episode with MARVIN ETZIONI. For me, this episode was like a time machine, waking the dead and reminding me of dreams and feelings I don’t remember enough. While the past was hyper-present in this session, the present, whether in questions about the politics […]

Louise Goffin
Synchronistic Duologue

LOUISE GOFFIN joins this week’s Pop Oracle session with host ANDRAS JONES to discuss how her song “New Year’s Day” answered MIKE WILCOX’s question on last week’s episode. Along the way they talk about BART DAVENPORT’s randomly chosen Pop Oracle song of the day, Landmark Education, Joni Mitchell, TV tours with Bryan Ferry, her new […]

Shay Peyote

SHAY PEYOTE is a multi-talented artist who joined our Pop Oracle session with Willie Wisely to discuss her latest project, an animated series called “Lair of The Lizard Queen”.

Paz Schaffer
Zak Schaffer

 From ANDRAS JONES: Our first guest in this session with ZAK SCHAFFER is a talented young musician named PAZ SCHAFFER and, yes, they are father and son. Paz (pronounced Pause and meaning Peace) is a powerhouse of a kid and, unlike many of the grown up guests, he had no trouble getting his mind […]

Pete Molinari
Pete Molinari

 From ANDRAS JONES: OK. I know I have not been giving these Radio8Blogs the in depth sync love they deserve. I intend to remedy that in the future. I’ve had to withhold certain details while addressing the situation discussed in this session. I won’t re-tell the whole sordid story. It’s all there in the […]

Andras Jones
Willie Wisely,
Colleen Green
& Bart Davenport

From ANDRAS JONES: This week, inspired by our pals at Wild Honey, we decided to do our own synchronistic Kinks tribute. This one features performances by three of our favorite guests from Pop Oracles past; COLLEEN GREEN, BART DAVENPORT & WILLIE WISELY. They perform the Kinksian answers. Over the course of the episode we take […]

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Song of the Day
Candyman - Mudcat