Shereen Lani Younes
Abby Weems

From ANDRAS JONES: SHEREEN LANI YOUNES of the Ethnically Ambiguous podcast return to the realm of The Pop Oracle with her friend ABBY WEEMS of the band Potty Mouth. I wish more people brought Shereen’s raw transparency to this format. Whether she’s expressing her murderous rage at a villainous dictator like Bashar al-Assad or her wounded love for her new friend, Shereen isn’t hiding or holding anything back. Her courageous intention is rewarded with an answer that is not only a new and next level song from Abby but one that shines back at Shereen with the cruel brilliance of a zen koan. They say when you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back into you. Those who enjoy this format find this to be, if not a pleasurable experience, a rewarding one. Remember, Radio8Ball doesn’t predict the future. We reflect the present with all its fears and insecurities about what is to come. In that regard, I think the song is saying that nothing is ever as it seems and all we can do is tell the truth and do our best.
I tried to fix everything
tried but nothing turns out right
I did everything why
are we still in a fight
you say that you want me
but that can never be
cause every time I talk
I’m not the girl you thought
I’m not I’m not a liar
I can’t try any harder