Cooper Walker
Cooper Walker

From COOPER WALKER: Finally we come to the final segment of our show, where I get to ask the Pop Oracle my own question. I chose a quandary which has been with me almost my whole life, that we see the world not as it is but how we are… I wanted to know whether life is merely a reflection of our own inner natures, or if there truly is an objective reality to all this confusion. Of course by this point I already know which song we’ll be playing, and the implications thereof. I think it is absolutely perfect to have ended on “Suicide”, which oddly enough is the song we tend to end our live performances with. It has strong connections with my question as it was written more or less about that very question – what is real? The whole experience on the show and this last segment in particular has left me thinking, “Maybe there really is something to this synchronicity thing…
From ANDRAS JONES: And so we come to the final installment of our Pop Oracle session with Cooper Walker on Radio8Ball for Feral Audio from August 10, 2017.
I got incredibly lucky that our first series of shows featured 2 incredibly talented and gorgeous young musicians like Cooper and Colleen Green. Dino Stamatopoulos who is neither young nor gorgeous was a whole different kind of blessing and without him none of this would have happened. Go back and listen to our first divination with my question about Nazis and his song “Topping From The Bottom” which begins with a line about rape and you’ll start to get a sense for the fractal nature of this format.
Back to the talent and charisma of Cooper Walker. This is his moment after all….
But first, we have to give credit to Marshall Thompson who is Cooper’s sideman and teacher, much as he was once my sideman in the band The Previous. Marshall’s keyboards will appear and disappear throughout these tapings, depending on availability and the vagaries of sync, but as I’m sure you will agree, the shows that feature Marshall are better for it.
Finally, we get to Cooper, and that’s fitting because beyond his obvious songwriting ability and his deep and inviting voice, beyond his rock star good looks and guitar mastery, what sets Cooper Walker apart is his generosity as a player. He makes those he works with look good, and that’s the gift of someone who is the real deal. I’m looking forward to years of great music from this cat.
You’ll definitely be hearing more from him on Radio8Ball. Thanks Coop!
Next up we’ve got John Easdale from Dramarama and a Nightmare on Elm Street themed Radio8Ball with Toy Newkirk, Tuesday Knight, Brooke Theiss, Jen Brown & Diandra Lazor.
Stay tuned and, as always, please share your alternative interpretations below.
Verse I:
Waiting for you, on the corner of Main St. Clouds in the street Thinking of you, with that four leaf clover In your hair Thought I heard you, with a knock at my door, but there’s Nobody there… Chorus:
Suicide meets you at the end of a street, She’s happy to see you after so many years Love only takes you just a half of the way, It’s ok, it’s alright, it don’t matter at the end of the night
Verse II:
Waiting for you, on the corner of Main St. Clouds in the street Thinking of you, with that four leaf clover In your hair Thought I heard you, with a knock at my door, but there’s Nobody there…
Suicide meets you at the end of a street, She’s happy to see you after so many years Love only takes you just a half of the way, It’s ok, it’s alright, it don’t matter at the end of the night
Suicide meets you at the end of a street, She’s happy to see you after so many years Love only takes you just a half of the way, It’s ok, it’s alright, it don’t matter at the end of the night